One of the highlights of our trip to the East Coast of Canada last summer was taking photos while striking a yoga pose at various locations on our month long holiday visiting the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Quebec.
Even M. got into the challenge and when we arrived at new location he would say “Do you want me to take a picture of you striking a pose here?” He thought it looked easy and tried it a few times himself. We had a lot of laughs !
Striking a Pose Challenge 2016
This year I want to challenge all my yogi (and non-yogi) friends to share their vacation travels by “striking a pose” while on vacation or whenever the urge to “strike a pose” occurs and then post it on Facebook. It will be fun to see where you’ve been this year and who can come up with the most challenging and interesting pose. Let’s have some fun with it!
For those of you that would prefer to share your photos directly with me, I will be creating a blog post (or two or three) highlighting the best, funniest and most creative poses. All photos will be copyright protected and I will respect your privacy if you don’t want your name posted.
When sharing your photos please let me know where you are and the date the photo was taken and if you want to share a little story about how the photo was taken or any other little tidbit that would add interest to the photo.
Here are some “Striking a Pose”photos from our trip to Eastern Canada last summer ! Namaste!