Day 2 – Pasco, WA to Winnemucca, Nevada

Woke up to a chilly but sunny day and after breakfast headed down highway 395 toward John Day.  Yes that is a town in Oregon !

Oregon Mountain Pass - John Day River

Oregon Mountain Pass – John Day River

The country here is beautiful semi-arid ranch land and mountains, reminding me of Kamloops.  We winded through beautiful mountain passes, up one side and down the other, but what surprised us the most about this State was how barren it was.  Highway 395 was a good road and well maintained but there was very little traffic and was easy to drive.

For some reason it seemed to take a long time to get to John Day but in our minds were still thinking in kilometers when in fact we are driving in miles.  So when we saw a sign that said 120 to John Day….it’s a lot further than it appeared.   The metric vs. imperial measures will take a bit of getting used to.

We final arrive at our lunch stop the infamous “John Day” Oregon and bought subway sandwiches and head over to the local fair grounds.

Fairgrounds at John Day, Oregon

Fairgrounds at John Day, Oregon

It was a beautiful warm sunny day and Lucy was happy to be off leash to explore all of the interesting smells.

From John Day we headed toward the town of Burn for a cappuccino break and then over to highway 78 and south on highway 95 to McDermit.   This stop had a motel, gas station and of course a Casino!  Nevada here we come !  So not much in the way of towns or cities along this route but the scenery was spectacular.  Rolling hills and interesting mountains and as we approached Nevada we some more of the snow capped mountains.  All very beautiful!

Nevada Mountains

Nevada Mountain Range


  1. Wow, Oregon does look like the interior of BC. Very interesting….put a few coins in a slot machine in Nevada! You never know!!

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