Happy New Year 2015

Happy New Year to all my blog followers !  I wish you all a new year of health, happiness and much love!  Enjoy every moment! We had a wonderful new year’s eve dinner of  Pork Shoulder Al’Diavolo, scalloped potatoes, and a celery fennel salad made by our friends and gourmet chefs Maureen and Tom  (a […]

The Sundial – St. Petersburg, Fl.

Yes, it was a gorgeous day here in Florida yesterday with temperatures in the high 70’s.  M and I decided to ride our bikes into town and check out the new Locale Market that just opened at the Sundial this week.  The Sundial is a new high end mall in the centre of St. Pete’s […]

Kitchen Install – Day 3 and 4

The last couple of days our installers spent a lot of time building the wine bar area next to the refrigerator/pantries, added the aluminum toe kicks around the cabinets, adjusting the cabinet doors so they open with a touch and installed the dishwasher panel which matched the cabinet doors.   The island cabinets were set up […]

Kitchen Install – Day 2

It was a productive day with the install of all the upper cabinets and lower cabinets along the outer wall.  The empty space in the lower cabinets is for the dishwasher.  We are missing a couple of green glass pull up doors for the lower cabinets above the counter so they been back ordered on […]

Kitchen Install – Day 1

It’s been almost a year since we bought our house in St. Petersburg, Florida and it will be a full year by the time we have a functioning kitchen.  M. promised me if we bought this run down house (in a great location by the way) the first thing we would do was totally gut […]