Thanksgiving Week!

I went to Ontario on the first of October for my brother in law’s wedding and decided to extend my visit over the Thanksgivings weekend.   This turned out to be a good idea as the weather has been incredibly warm for this time of the year, even better than some of our summer days in August.   But Fall continues in the natural rhythm of the season with the trees turning their beautiful oranges and yellows and their leaves tumbling through the air with the slightest breeze and covering the ground in random abandon.   It is October the 12th but it feels like July long weekend.

Fall colour at Sauble Falls.

Fall colour at Sauble Falls, Ontario.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend and the beauty of the season.  Even if it is raining look for a sunny yellow leafed tree to brighten your day.  Every season has a gift of beauty to enjoy, so as the saying goes “the past is only a memory, the future is only a dream, all we have is NOW so enjoy it while you can and be grateful to be alive in this moment.”

Walking in the rain Red Bay ON.

October 6_2013 Red Bay ON. Walking in the rain.

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